HomeHotelsA bit of fun: What's wrong with this TripAdvisor review?

A bit of fun: What’s wrong with this TripAdvisor review?

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Over the weekend, I started planning a trip to Europe that would see Joanna and me visiting places that we haven’t visited for years, and enjoying a few of the cultures that we’ve neglected for too long and as part of this planning, I started considering our accommodation options.

One of our preferred destinations for our next European trip is the city of Gdańsk in northern Poland, and as I don’t know much about accommodation in Gdańsk, I found myself doing exactly what I suspect most miles & points fans do when considering accommodation options – I opened up the websites of all the major hotel chains with whom I have a solid points balance, and I started searching those sites for places to stay.

I then decided to get some idea of what independent options are available in Gdańsk and to do that, I headed over to TripAdvisor to see what I could find.

I should stress that I don’t really pay much attention to TripAdvisor’s rankings or its reviews as over the years, both have been proven to be worthless on more occasions than I care to admit. I do, however, find the site to be one of the better starting points when I’m searching for independent properties. I use TA for ideas and not a lot more.


As I worked my way down the list of Gdańsk’s “top” places to stay, I noticed a property that I had already considered, so, out of curiosity, I opened up the reviews to see what they were like.

Overall, the reviews were very favorable…

a screenshot of a phone

… but it didn’t take much scrolling before I came upon a review (from last month) that stood out.

Usually when TripAdisor reviews stand out its either because it’s very obviously made up/written by the property or because the person writing it has the intellect of a potato (e.g. the reviewer who gave a property 1 star because it rained for the three nights they were there), but this review seemed genuine enough and didn’t appear to be written by someone who has trouble remembering to breathe.

It stood out because of a mistake that I was surprised to see made.

a screenshot of a chat
Click or tap to enlarge

Can you spot the mistake?

Answers in the comments section please 🙂

Note: I may delay posting correct replies so that they don’t spoil the fun of anyone else trying to work it out (p.s. it’s not hard)

Featured image by Eduardo Casajús Gorostiaga

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  1. Um … the reviewer seems to have forgotten what kind of shiny they are. Titanium is a Marriott level, but this is a Hilton.

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