HomeHotelsIHG is adding a new boutique property in Spain

IHG is adding a new boutique property in Spain

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IHG (the hotel chain that includes the Crowne Plaza, InterContinental, Holiday Inn, and Kimpton brands) has announced that it will be adding a new boutique hotel to its Spanish collection following the signing of a new agreement with Prevario Banyols.

The new property will come under IHG’s Vignette Collection brand and will be located on Mallorca, the largest of Spain’s Balearic Islands.

a map of the world
Click or tap to enlarge.

The Vignette Collection Mallorca Finca Banyols (as the new property will be called) is expected to open in the first half of 2025 and will be located in the historical destination of Alaró.

a map of a island
Click or tap to enlarge.

This new Vignette Collection hotel becomes IHG’s 12th property on Mallorca, although as that figure includes 10 Iberostar Resorts, you could say that alongside the Kimpton Aysla Mallorca, this will only be IHG’s second traditional property on the island.

The Vignette Collection is IHGs version of Marriott’s Autograph Collection and Hilton’s Curio Collection so the properties that the brand includes are usually not cookie-cutter boxes and generally have a more independent and unique feel to them.

Situated away from the coast and surrounded by vineyards and olive trees, this 45-room property is likely to feel more authentically Spanish than a lot of the other hotels on the island, but that shouldn’t come with too many concessions.

In fact, it sounds like guests will be well catered for with IHG telling us that the hotel will house two restaurants with ‘distinctive cuisine’ (one casual and one fine dining), two swimming pools (one indoor and one outdoor), a spa with a full set of treatment options, and a ‘substantial’ events space.

That’s not bad for a property with just 45 rooms.

As things stand, we don’t have much more information and the one rendering of the property that IHG has provided is of such poor quality that you can’t really glean much information from it (someone will have to explain to us how you can create an out of focus rendering).

a collage of different rooms
How did someone make a rendering this bad?

Still, this looks promising – I don’t see a Starbucks or a ‘marketplace’ anywhere – and the fact that the location it’s away from the coast (although only about 35 minutes’ drive away from a beach) and surrounded by mountains and hills, should make it less likely that the area will be an attraction for the rowdier tourists that are often drawn to the Balearics.

Put plainly, this looks like it may be a nice option for people who’d like to visit Mallorca without being subjected to the less refined and decidedly more tacky and low-end options that the island is often, possibly unfairly, associated with (e.g. the horror that is Magaluf).

We will, of course, have to wait and see some actual images of the property as well as the pricing (cash as well as points) before we can start to make any real judgements on how nice of an addition this will be to IHG One Rewards, but for now, I’m cautiously optimistic as this looks like a property that I’d quite like to visit.

Featured image: Alaró, Mallorca (wikicommons media).


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